Basics of Scalp Acupuncture June 2018
Basics of Scalp Acupuncture June 2018

Basics of Scalp Acupuncture June 2018

Regular price $957.00 AUD Early Bird
Includes GST of $87.00 AUD

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Presented by: Dr James Lu In association with SustainHealth Academy

Registration open for: Registered Chinese medicine profession and Chinese medicine student

Prerequisite: None

Date: 6 & 7 June 2018

VenueBayview On Park, 52 Queens Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004

Times9am - 5pm

CPD: 11 points


*early payment determines priority seating...the earlier the payment the better the seat

*Venue limited to 40 seats for each module. Reserved 5 seats only reserved for repeat attendees.

*All above prices include GST and tax invoice will be provided.

*If you have previously completed this module and would like to attend again, please contact Evan Pritchard with your request for special pricing details.

*see terms and conditions for cancellation policy To become a fully qualified accredited Zhu scalp acupuncture practitioner all four modules must be completed as well as a short internship in China organised through SustainHealth Academy

Who Should Attend This Course?

  1. Practitioners who would like to increase their arsenal of effective tools to deliver instant and long term clinical results
  2. Practitioners who would like to learn an acupuncture system that is famous for neurological conditions
  3. Practitioners would like to treat “real deal” conditions eg stroke, emergency conditions, spinal cord injuries, paralysis etc
  4. Chinese medicine students who have special interest in neurological conditions and the scalp acupuncture philosophy and system

How Is Zhu Scalp Acupuncture Different from Other Acupuncture Methods?

  1. The patient can easily be treated in a seated position.
  2. The application of needles is painless.
  3. Patients display immediate positive responses that translate into long term positive outcomes.
  4. Long needle retention times, even up to 3 days, provides the patient with a continual therapeutic action.
  5. It is an integrative form of medicine, informed by both Western and Chinese Medicine paradigms.
  6. The necessity for ‘Daoyin’ as part of the treatment in order to achieve superior clinical outcomes.
  7. ZSA is easily integrated with other styles of Acupuncture without conflict.


What You Will Learn from This Course

  • History of Scalp Acupuncture
  • Zhu's treatment zones: locations, functions, and indications
  • Procedure and techniques
  • Precautions and contradictions
  • Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture basic applications
  • Introduction
  • Daoyin therapy basic application
  • Daoyin therapy demonstration & practice

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