Supervised by Professor Tianjun Wang and the Institute of Scalp Acupuncture UK
It is pity that the traditional 40mm length needles can not reach the whole completed segment of a certain stimulation areas.
You can not twist the needle faster and properly due to a short length. Compared with ordinary 40mm acupuncture needles, the newly developed 44mm professional scalp
needles have the following advantages:
- 44mm ensures coverage of the entire stimulation area
- more handle space to allow for quick twisting
- Gamma sterilisation system guarantees its all-round sterilisation
- Japanese medical grade steel - ‘DaoKangNing’
- medical grade lubricating fluid to improve the sharpness of the needle tip
- Stainless steel handles for strength... easier to twist the needle faster, the main part in the procedure of scalp needling
- Flexible purchase sizes to support your use
- 80% less plastic recyclable package to improve our environment