Learn about the peripheral nervous system that is associated with Acupuncture points from a leading expert in the field.
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Dr Chiang is an expert in the peripheral nervous system that is associated with Acupuncture points. And is based on Traditional Acupuncture point location of the Ling Shu (灵枢) & Jia Yi Jing (甲乙经). He specialises in the integration of Acupuncture channel theory and modern neuroanatomy. Dr Chiang is a professor and director of the Integrative Acupuncture Program for the Faculty of Health at York University. He is also a professor at the American Neuro-Acupuncture Institute in Santa Fe and a former chair member of Herbal Medicine at the Ontario College of TCM. Dr Chiang is involved in research of the neuroanatomy of Acupuncture based on cadaver dissection and MRI research. He is an author of multiple articles published in Acupuncture journals and is currently writing an Integrative Acupuncture textbook.
Dr Ling is the clinical director at Sustain Health. Over the past 10 years, he has developed the practice to be one of the most reputable Chinese Medicine clinics in the country. In the past 15 years of clinical practice, Dr Ling has lost no time in expanding and deepening his knowledge. You can find Dr Ling at the majority of TCM seminars, conferences and symposiums, both domestic and international. His greatest passion is to share all of his experiences with the Chinese Medicine community... both in Australia and abroad. He hand-picks the best Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture masters and their methods from around the globe... aspiring to improve, learn, and grow together with the community.